The importance of extracurricular activities in increasing interest in English [Английский язык]

Автор статьи : Әлия Б.
Организация : Алматы облысы,Талдықорған қаласы №28 IT мектеп-лицей
Должность : ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Дата : 05.05.2021
Издатель : Амангуль М., корреспондент
Редакционная коллегия: Only online publication allowed

"Children always have the right to a happy childhood. Their time should be a time of joy, peace, play, learning and growth. Their future should be based on a combination of partnership. Their lives and prospects should become more mature and brighter as they gain experience."

From the Convention on the rights of the child

Kazakhstan's society is in a state of multiethnic, multilingualism and multiculturalism. Therefore, one of the most pressing issues is the formation of a multicultural personality with a multilingual personality adapted to this society. The first president of the country, Nursultan Nazarbayev, said: "We will continue to conquer world Heights. One of these high peaks is Kazakhstan's entry into the top 30 most competitive countries in the world. To achieve this goal, first of all, every citizen of Kazakhstan must be competitive." At the same time, N. A. Nazarbayev stressed that the new generation of Kazakhstanis should know at least three languages and be fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English. Students should be able to master the Kazakh language in full literary form, be fluent in Russian and English. According to scientists, at a young age, a child learns the language easily and fluently. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and science should pay attention to teaching English from primary school. The foundation of knowledge acquired at a young age will be strong and strong. And the teacher, of course, who instills this strong and strong knowledge in the mind and instills it in the soul. We are now expanding our international, economic, political and cultural ties. Especially in the economic sphere, the spread of foreign investment requires the ability to speak English. Therefore, the task facing the modern school is to prepare students who can speak and write fluently in English. Extracurricular activities are very important for achieving this goal. When students learn the language, learn to read, write, speak, translate from one language to another, and learn skills, we open the way to the culture of other peoples and world cultures, that is, they have the opportunity to communicate with other peoples. In the classroom, at home, in the library, it is also widely used to get information from literature and press pages, textbooks, prepare various messages, make plans, write abstracts, and work in two – to-two groups. Through this work, it is possible to increase the creative research abilities of students.

The results of extracurricular activities are reflected in school competitions, concerts, and matinees. Extracurricular activities are based on the activity and creativity of students, as well as taking into account the flexibility and interest of each student. Each new material should be presented in a clear, easy form, use various forms and methods of work, use audio and video tools, the student should be satisfied and see the results of their work, be able to see their achievements. There are the following types of extracurricular activities: a) Individual B) Group B) Public(Mass)

A separate type (individual) - here the teacher works with one student. This type of work is easier and more achievable. For example, I give my student to memorize proverbs and sayings, of course, in three languages, and he begins to search with enthusiasm. He copied some proverbs into his notebook. For example:

Live and learn.

Ученье свет, а не ученье тьма.

Оқусыз білім жоқ, білімсіз күнің жоқ.

Where a will there is a way.

Где хотенье, там и уменье.

Іздеген мұратына жетеді.

A good name is better than riches

Добрая слава лучше богатства

Жақсы сөз – жарым ырыс.

Proverbs have been derived from folk wisdom for centuries. The more students learn proverbs, the more they will transform the language and have more vocabulary. At the same time, the child will never forget proverbs and sayings that are remembered by his thoughts, his native language, and will have a special place in the upbringing of this student. Songs and music also play a huge role in teaching English to a student. By singing a song, the student understands the meaning of the words, remembers them by repeating them. Through songs, they connect the student's knowledge with their life, get acquainted with the art, culture of the countries that speak the language they are learning, and expand their knowledge of art stars. Here I decided to start with our own anthem:

Алтын күн аспаны,

Алтын дән даласы,

Ерліктің дастаны,

Еліме қарашы!

Ежелден ер деген,

Даңқымыз шықты ғой.

Намысын бермеген,

Қазағым мықты ғой!

Менің елім, менің елім,

Гүлің болып егілемін,

Жырың болып төгілемін, елім!

Туған жерім менің – Қазақстаным!

Golden sun in the sky,

Golden green in the field.

Look at my merry field,

With a joy and fun.

How so brave our work,

How so brave our land.

How so brave our men,

How so brave our plan.

My native land,

My native land.

I want to be,

Four flower land.

I want to be,

Your merry singer,

I’m future beadier of my Kazakhstan!


Пришла весна, весна пришла,

Ушла холодная зима.

Подует теплый ветерок

И май наступит и пройдет.

Вернутся птички издалека.

Их песен будет нежна, глубока.

Луга покроются цветами,

Заполнятся сады плодами.


It is spring, it is spring.

Cold winter is past.

Warm breezes are blowing.

And May here at last.

The birds are returning.

Their songs fill the air

And meadows are smelling

With blossoms so fair.

Group type-organized and conducted regularly, often in connection with the favorite activity of students. These are games, choral, oral speech, drama, literature and art, fairy tale production, as well as album production, newspaper production, booklet production. Through group work, students will have a lot of responsibility, respect, and friendship. At the end of each work, you can see the practical result, that is, how which student mastered the material. For example:

In grades 6-8, you can hold an evening "Holiday of language – holiday of country". The course will be as follows: students will read poems, sing songs, and compete in Proverbs in three languages. On the other hand, we can hold small evenings among high school students dedicated to the work of "Robert Burns", "William Shakespeare" and other famous foreign personalities, and increase the interest of students in English writers. "ABC", "The club of funny friends", "English land", "English around us" "Who is champion?”, "First think, then speak ", "The leader of the XXI century " is held regularly, which would be very useful for students.

Public type or mass type– conducting debates, discussions, talk shows, conferences, parties, matinees in English.

In extracurricular activities, I noticed that the student independently finds and studies knowledge, together presents new ideas and conclusions in different ways, actively analyzes and summarizes new knowledge, connects them with everyday life situations, develops confidence and understanding of each other. It is necessary to reward all students who took part in extracurricular activities. In conclusion, the following should be taken into account::

a) extracurricular activities are an integral part of teaching English.

B) extracurricular activities in various forms should include as many students as possible.

B) it is necessary to use advanced new technologies in extracurricular activities.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to work hard to increase the interest of children in the village and give them a desire to learn, because English, which is considered a "foreign language", is a great discovery for children and an invaluable asset for their future.


  1. pedagogical journal
  2. Methods of teaching English. Amandykova G. N., Mukhtarova Sh. E.
  3. Zhaiyk teacher. Baimukanova B. S., Bisengalieva A. N.
  4. Magazines "English at school"
  5. Magazines "Foreign language at school"
  6. Journals "Extracurricular activities at school"